Thursday, September 24, 2009

Family Pictures

Well Sunday we went and got pictures done.
I still have some editing to do but the ones I got back edited turned out so cute.
It was a chore to try and get Reese to behave, she's so much better
left to do her own thing and just snapping pictures of her
unlike Kielee, who poses as soon as she sees the camera,
Reese turns into a monster if you ask her to sit still.
We went to Wheeler Farm, and i just have to tell
anyone who is trying to think of a place to take pictures,
this place is great, there are SO MANY backdrops and fun places
we could have spent a lot more time if it weren't for the pesky sun,
I think we'll be hitting it up in the evening sometime soon again.
Kimberly was a pleasure to work with, she did a really good job being patient with
the HUGE family and so many kids. Thanks so much Kim!
Check out her blog if you like what you see! She's a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Kids said What? Edition 3

Brought to you by Cammie at house of no sleep

I have only have one this week but Wowee it's a good one!
From Austin, while watching Men In Black II

The scene: during a fight scene with J & K after the bad lady releases all the prisoners from MIB headquarters they were fighting all these aliens.
J kicks one of them for lack of a better phrase "in the nuts"
and a sound rings out like metal being kicked, and K says
"J, he's a ball-chinian, kick him in the chin!"
J pulls down the alien's mask he's wearing around his face to reveal...

And Austin pipes up
"If that guy was me my chin would be like down to here huh!"
and holds his hand about 1 1/2 feet below his own chin...

I couldn't contain myself, I had no idea the kid was so, I don't know well endowed???
But he had no idea why I was laughing so hard I was crying, so I still am not sure where that came from. But it was GREAT!