I got this survey off one of the blogs that I follow.
Check her out if you like She's adorable, and quick witted and I love reading her posts. Peace out
Would you do crystal meth if it were legalized? Um no, I don't think so, I'll stick to my Bud Light :)
Abortion, for or against? I am Pro- Choice, however for me personally, I wouldn't...or should I say couldn't. That being said, do think there should be some kind of mandatory guideline, like if you have a abortion every because you are being just plain irresponsible, they should tie your tubes or something.
Would the country fall if there was a woman president?
Do you believe in the death penalty? YES! I think that if a full grown adult takes it upon him/herself to do horrible things, by all means a jury of full grown adults should be allowed to determine that they are unfit to live in this world.
Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? Personally, to me it doesn't matter at all, but I really see no harm in it.
Do you believe in God? I believe in SOMETHING...I'll get back to you when I figure out exactly what that is. I am on an intense search as we speak into my spirituality. I think my problem is that the whole organized religion thing that you just have to "have faith" doesn't work for me AT ALL. I have questions, and if you want me to do what YOU say...I want answers damn it!
Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? Absolutely!!! Who is ANYONE to out conditions on love. If you want to share your life and commit to another human being, by all means you should have the right to make that commitment.
Do you think it's wrong so many Hispanics are moving to the USA? I don't think it's wrong for anyone to move here just do it the right and legal way, and follow the same rules as the rest of us.
A 12 year old girl has a baby...should she keep it? No, there are so many people out there who can't have babies, and are desperately waiting for the right little one to be a part of their family. Given the unfortunate circumstance that a 12 year old did end up pregnant, I would say she should absolutely go with adoption.
Should the alcohol drinking age be lowered to 18? I don't think 18 is really much different that 21.
Should the war in Iraq be called off? I think we should all stop killing each other if that's what you mean.
Assisted suicide is legal...do you agree? On a case by case basis...yes.
Do you believe in spanking your children? My kids get a little swat once in awhile, yes...but generally I don't really like hitting so they could probably count on one hand how many spankings they've actually had.
Would you burn the American flag for a million dollars?
For a million dollars, yeah probably
A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case...what do you think? I think it's a tough call. I think I would hate to be responsible for making that decision. I think that you could tell me any story you could possibly come up with and show me concrete medical evidence that she was insane and as a mother, I STILL couldn't fathom how someone could do that