Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do I want a baby?

The year is 1999, I'm 18 years old and graduated high school. I'm dating my second serious boyfriend and the answer to the question....NO WAY. I don't ever want kids I would ever so wisely preach to anyone who would ask. "I am the oldest of Like a million kids I know better than to want my own!" I thought I was so smart!

The year is 2001, I moved in with serious BF in lieu of marriage, because I'm so smart! And within a couple months of moving in, I'm pregnant with baby # 1. The answer now...I only want 1 baby. I may not have planned it, but this little buggey growing inside me I loved since the minute I found out about her and I'm so smart, I'm a grown up, I will be excellent at this! I become mommy, of my one and only, but I am still the girl who never wanted kids, I can't deal with anyone else's kids. I'm the one NONE of my friends ever ask to baby sit. But MY baby I could handle!

The year is 2005, Poo-key is 3. She is the most wonderful thing in the world but I am just figuring out what it really means to be a mother. Serious BF is now seriously GONE, and I am seriously by myself with my poo koo ca choo! The answer, I would have gotten my tubes tied when I had poo-key, in fact I asked, but they would not do it. I needed to be 25 years old or have 3 kids before I was 25 for them to even discuss permanant contraception with me. Ok that's fine, I'm so smart! I will be THE BEST mother of my only child ever, and I'm definately smart enough to not have more babies!

Enter My Casenova, My Mr. Wonderful, My Prince Charming who had me from the moment...hell, the guy just has me. Still does, I got it bad for this one.! And GUESS WHAT he comes with 2 KIDS! I can't even tell you the extreme sense of concern coming from everyone around me. I can't tell you how many times I heard...with a hesitent voice like they didn't even want to ask..."AND what do you think about the kids" Or "but you don't want any more kids" I can't even describe in writing the sound of OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I don't know what it was but the little suckers won me over right away. For the first time ever I actually LIKED these kids that weren't mine. , The answer now...No more BABIES still. We are in fact just dating and I am so smart I know better than that!.

And Valentine's Day, and Hot Tubs and Bottles of Champaygne, and that makes..., the year is only 2006 and guess what I'm having a Bouncing little bundle of Joy! Yeah that's right Me! Little Miss No more Babies, Little miss I'm so smart! Yeah ok, so I wasn't so smart. Infact that was very careless oops. The answer now, I guess everything happens for a reason so sure, what's one more. We'll work it out.

Now it's 2009, I'm a Full time mommy of 4. Short Hills is hell on wheels, but I wouldn't trade her for anything EVER. Now being a mother and a wife is the greatest joy I have. The joy of being able to take off whenever I want and do whatever I want, and having frineds all over the place, has been replaced with the joy of having a few close friends, and cooking great meals. I love my children, and I don't know what I would have done or how my life would be without each and every one of them. Do I want a baby now...well no, and I actually have managed to get that part taken care of. But looking back I cannot believe that I was so convinced that I didn't want kids. In fact, I believe that I NEEDED my kids. I now NEED to be a mother. It has become such a deep and profound part of who I am and what I am proud of. I have learned that i wasn't, and I'm still not so smart. I always have room to learn and grow, and sometimes you don't know what will bring you the greatest joy.

This has been a product of Writer's Workshop from Mama Kat

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